Today is “D” day

Estimated due date, that is.

I was REALLY hoping Tater Tot would be here by now. Both to meet her and to be physically comfortable. Because UGH.

I’ve gotten things done at home: taxes, files, gardening, cleaning, baby room, napping, reading. And now… just… waiting.

Olive is just as excited as we are, anticipating Tater’s Birth Day so we can “dance and have cup cakes.” As well we should!

Other things ready:

I’ve been waiting to schedule time with a new cleaning service so we can rest quietly at home.

Meanwhile, my brain is mush. I want to get other things done, and can’t seem to focus. TV it is.

OK, Tater Tot. We’re ready. C’mon!



Sleeping monkey.
One of her last mornings as the Baby. Soon, Big Sister.

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