Excuse me while I smell like garlic.

After a week-long bought with The Worst Sore Throat Imaginable That Wasn’t An Infection, I started feeling some ear pain yesterday. This scared me a bit, since the last time I felt it, I ended up with a ruptured ear drum.

Went home, minced garlic and let it sit in some olive oil. While P put Olive to bed, I warmed up my rice pack, soaked a wash cloth and wrung it, strained the oil, ate the garlic with some honey, dropped 5 drops of oil in my ear, and went to lay in bed with the towel and compress on my ear.

It worked. This morning, my throat feels 500% better, and the ear pain is almost gone. Oh, I also kept the hot pack on my neck, near the drainage area to help clear up some of the ooky congestion in there, brought to me by seasonal south Texas allergens. Assholes.

If you feel like making this for yourself could be disastrous, check out Mountain Rose Herbs. Love these guys. Their youTube site has other great remedies.

Here’s the book I’ve been reading with all kinds of other neat stuff:

Dudes. Be sure to read the directions carefully, you don’t want little pieces of garlic in your ear or your little one’s ears. But HALLELUJAH for feeling better. Going to do it again tonight to clear up some more congestion. Because Mama can’t afford to be sick right now.

Seven weeks ’til Tater Tot. I can do this. I can’t see my lady parts or bend over, but I CAN DO THIS.

**Home remedies aren’t for everyone. Need to be sure your ear isn’t ruptured or that you have allergies to some of the herbs. Be safe!


  1. Mmmm. Garlic. It SOUNDS like a good idea, but the smell.. lol. Garlic really is a great healing agent. SO many ways to use it for good!

  2. I love natural remedies. I’ve been battling a migraine and sore throat/cough for nearly a week now, I’m willing to give anything a shot! Definitely going to be checking out that book, thanks for sharing. #SITSblogging

  3. I can’t imagine putting garlic oil in my ear–I just had an ear infection myself and the mess that I managed to make with three little drops was unbelievable! It got everywhere that it wasn’t supposed to 😛

    I do swear by a spoonful of raw honey for a sore throat, though!


  4. This sounds like a great idea! My sister puts a mixture of garlic and petroleum jelly on her feet at night to help detox her body of toxins. She fells much better when she does it. When I had a sinus infection recently I made myself a juice with guava (high in vintamin C), apple juice, and ginger. It tasted amazing and I believe it helped.

  5. I love natural remedies. It takes a lot for me to take a pill, but I will if I have to. I’ve recently discovered the joy of using honey to calm a cough.

  6. I like to go as natural as possible when it comes to health. Garloic has so many great properties and its so good for you! You’d be surprised just how many things in nature are rememdies for common health issues!

    Stopping by from #SITSBlogging!

  7. So nice to come across you and your blog through SITS! Thank you for the inspiration in this blog post.

  8. I had an ear infection a few weeks ago and I forgot how much those darn things hurt. Glad you were able to relieve it yourself. I like the tip of the rice sock to help the drainage. #SITSblogging

  9. I will have to check out that book. I’ve been moving us over to more natural/herbal remedies for all sorts of things. I think it works much better and is so much better for you than all these medicines out there.

  10. Glad it worked and hope you get feeling better, as yes moms don’t have time to be sick. That must have hurt so bad to have your eardrum rupture! #Sitsblogging

  11. funny, I just had garlic (which I don’t usually) because the snow’s cancelled all my dance classes and rehearsals. I do love using herbs and cider vinegar though! I drink a LOT of vinegar water 😉

  12. I am currently sick with a ton of congestion that I can feel in my ears (feels like nylon stretching). I am going to have to try this and check out that YouTube video. Glad you are feeling better. #sitsblogging

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